Towhidul ulum Madrasa

Currently, Towhidul Ulum Madrasa offers various services to the residents of Badda. During Eid-ul Fitr, final year students are available to lead Taraweeh prayers for families in Badda. Additionally, during Eid-ul Adha, students visit households in Badda Society to collect the leather from sacrificed animals. The institution typically collects around 2000 cow hides and 200 goat and sheep hides, which are then sold at a reasonable price. Donors can choose to either donate 100% of the proceeds to support the Madrasa's non-profit activities or retain a portion of the proceeds while donating the rest. Year-round, students are also available for Milad and Dua purposes at homes or offices.

Towhidul Ulum Madrasa was established in memory of my cousin Towhid, who passed away from blood cancer in 2006. It is the leading Madrasa in Badda and the only orphanage in the area, currently educating about 100 students, many of whom are orphans. Over the past decade, hundreds of students have completed their Hifz-ul-Quran from the institution.

As of 2020, the Madrasa is undergoing reconstruction and renovation. The new building is over six floors, accommodating more students and teachers, offering a wider range of courses, and providing ample space for extracurricular activities.